Let Us Treat Dandruff

From the time a person is born the old skin dies and flakes off giving room for the new cells to grow. It is absolutely normal to have a small amount of flaking. We don’t usually notice the flakes on arms, backs, legs, but it is more visible on the scalp because hair doesn’t let the dead flakes fall out easily as on the other parts of the body.

Unfortunately it is impossible to cure the flakes completely, but excessive scaling can be controlled and treated by appropriate care.

Dandruff has been aggravating humans for many centuries and at different times people were coming up with different ideas to improve the conditions of their scalp. Nowadays everybody knows about anti-dandruff shampoos which contain various medications: zinc pyrithione (Head & Shoulders, ZNP), selenium sulfide (Selsun Blue) and Ni zoral AD. If those do not help there are more serious treatments such as tar (Ionil T, T/gel, Pentrax) or sulfur (Meted or Sebulex). Sometimes it helps better when two or three different shampoos are alternated.

Before the invention of shampoos people were using natural remedies to wash their hair and treat dandruff. Here are several of them:

There are many other remedies, such as fenugreek seeds, green gram power, snake gourd, hot oil, cider vinegar, etc. The means are endless, but one thing has to be chosen, because a mix of them can cause even worse problems than dandruff.

In addition to washing the hair some specialists advise various diets:

It is advised to avoid certain food during hair and skin treatment: citrus fruits, bananas, tinned fruits, strong coffee and tea, pickles and processed food have to be excluded from the ration.

A few more hints to improve the condition of hair and scalp:

Judy O’Connor

Posted on February 8, 2009 
Filed Under Hair Care


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