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2009 September : Stop Hair Loss Now

The Connection between Smoking and Hair Loss

Only a century ago smoking was in great favor. For many decades doctors used tobacco in treatment of numerous diseases, royal families believed that nothing could eliminate headaches as well as tobacco, noble people were gathering together to have talks and smoke cigars, and those who could not afford cigars used to chew tobacco which was cheaper. Time went by and now smoking is blamed for almost any trouble of the mankind. Many studies have proven negative aspects of tobacco use: it leads to various forms of cancer, heart and lung problems, coughing, bad breath and even hair loss.
Read full “The Connection between Smoking and Hair Loss”

Hair Loss and Stress

Stress hits every person at least once. Pregnancy and childbirth, death of a close person, serious disease, financial or job problems, family troubles like big arguments or divorce are only few reasons for stress. While for some people it goes away without any damage to their health, the others suffer physical problems one of which is hair loss.

Read full “Hair Loss and Stress”

The List of Drugs Which Provoke Hair Loss

Although prescription drugs are usually stronger and help better than over-the-counter medications, many of them have negative side-effects. A person that wants to get rid of pain or cure the disease does not usually pay much attention to the side-effects mentioned on the label till they show up. One of the possible side-effects for many prescription drugs is hair loss.

Read full “The List of Drugs Which Provoke Hair Loss”