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2009 November : Stop Hair Loss Now

The Source of Gray Hair

When people grow older, their hair turns gray. Some start noticing single gray hair strands when they are around 20, while others go all the way till 50 or even 60 without this problem. They say gray hair is a sign of wisdom, but scientists are ready to prove that it is not quite so. They are also convinced it is not connected to nerves, stress or illness.
Read full “The Source of Gray Hair”

Hair Loss Treatment: Zulvera

There are a lot of hair loss products on the market, but only a few of them are effective as they promise to be. Zulvera is one of the most popular herbal shampoos which have received positive feedback from many consumers. Various comments on the Internet say that Zulvera is based on natural products only, does not have side-effects and grows hair back within a short period of time.

Read full “Hair Loss Treatment: Zulvera”